segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2013

I Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Damien Rice

I Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Alice: Hello, stranger. 
Dan: I'm your stranger. Jump! 
Alice: No one will ever love you as much as I do. Why isn't love enough? 
Dan: This will hurt.
Alice: How can one man be so endlessly disappointing?
Dan: That's my charm.
Alice: Can I still see you?
[Dan stands silent]
Alice: Dan can I still see you? Answer me.
Dan: I can't see you. If I see you I'll never leave you.
Alice: What will you do if I find someone else?
Dan: Be jealous.
Alice: You still fancy me?
Dan: ...Of course.
Alice: You're lying. I've been you.
Dan: And you left him, just like that?
Alice: It's the only way to leave. "I don't love you anymore. Goodbye."
Dan: Supposing you do still love them?
Alice: You don't leave.
Dan: You've never left someone you still love?
Alice: Nope.
Dan: When I get back, please tell me the truth.
Alice: Why?
Dan: Because I'm addicted to it. Because without it, we're animals. Trust me.
Alice: Where is this love? I can't see it, I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, but I can't do anything with your easy words.
Dan: What's so great about the truth? Try lying for a change, it's the currency of the world.
Alice: I don't want to lie. I can't tell the truth. So it's over.
Dan: I'll always love you. I hate hurting you.
Alice: Then why are you?

Closer (2004), Director: Mike Nichols

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