terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012

Good Morning Starshine - Oliver

Good Morning Starshine - Oliver


Good morning starshine, the earth says hello
you twinkle above us, we twinkle below
good morning starshine, you lead us along
my love and me
as we sing our
early morning singing song
gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy
la la la - lo lo
sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba
lee lee - lo lo
tooby ooby wala
nooby aba naba
early morning singing song
Good morning . . .
gliddy glub gloopy . . .
Singing a song, humming a song
singing a song
loving a song, laughing a song
singing a song
sing the song
song the sing
song song song sing
sing sing sing song
song song song sing
sing sing sing song

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